ITA with both Val and Howler. When everything else is taken into account, what really makes the difference for kids who aren't typical in any "typical" classroom is the teacher - and a teacher who cares enough to spend some time getting to know your ds, who recognizes that he needs more of a challenge - is golden. Truly. It might not work out, but it definitely sounds like it's worth a try.

I'd also take a step back think about the audience the teacher is talking to - there really are kids out there who have a tough time learning 25 sight words by the end of K. Not because they aren't smart kids, but because there's a wide range of developmental age for learning to read. Learning sight words in kindergarten is pretty typical for kindergarten, but that doesn't mean there aren't going to be students in the class who aren't already reading.

It's also *really* typical (where I live) for families to have to supply glue sticks and crayons/etc. I have relatives who are elementary school teachers, and they have to collect their own books for their classrooms. If you have books to donate, donate them - they will be so appreciated!

Anyway, I'd give it a try.

Best wishes,
