So DH and I are getting really frustrated with PG DS5 right now...not sure if I'm overblowing things or what. He has started lying/making excuses when he either doesn't to to something or thinks the truth will get him in trouble. We have had multiple conversations about it, but it doesn't seem to be sticking. In conjunction, he has been saying that he is 'too tired' to do lots of things, including endure conversations where we try to figure out WHY he is lying etc...but then, when we say 'ok, well if you are tired, go to bed', he quickly turns it around to, 'well I'm not THAT tired.' because he wants to play. Infuriating. On top of that, this is happening at the same time as what seems to be a period of disinterest in a lot of things he was very into recently. Example: he didn't participate in his mandarin class at his camp today (which he usually loves) because he was 'too tired' (so he played outside...logic?) which eventually turned into 'it's too long' and then 'it's boring' and then 'I wanted to do more writing, not speaking'...still don't really know the truth. Not sure if it's the heat, lack of sleep (not enough hours of sleep has always been an issue, but this reaction is not so normal), lack of a real routine in the summer, or some sort of sickness/growthspurt/kid-grumpy-stage. I'm just...frustrated. I don't want to sit down every day to have the lying conversation. And I'm fine with him wanting to play instead of do academic things but he seems so...I don't know. All over the place. Whiny. Sleepy. Just weird - not like himself. Wondering if I should call the doctor, or just let it go for a while. I'm really Not sure how to approach. Does anyone have experience with this? Thoughts?

Thanks smile