On normal days excluding Sunday 3 hours of my kids competitive sport in the morning with an additional 2 hours for one of them at night two evenings a week. And I do believe it is part of the package because the regular exercise does help them in all aspects of life.

One is reading a novel about every two or three days so that involves regular trips to the library website and library. He now can request inter library loans independently. The other has slowed his reading down a lot.

We have seen two plays...which isn't unusual because of my dh's profession. Wish we had gone to more.

We have had one week family vacation. We have had several beach weekends (which are in a townhouse that results in normal life just with a view of the ocean). The beach weekends are within a mile of grandparents and cousins so that is always fun.

The one thing that I pushed for was my boys and I all are using the app duolingo to work on Spanish skills over the summer. That has worked.

One spent a lot of time designing all the pieces to his Halloween costume and seeing what he already has to use. One had a camp at his new school for a week and has another week of camp coming up (both free and fun).