Have you looked at the diagnostic criteria for Tourette's? Verbal impulsiveness could be a tic behavior that's being missed as such. Keep in mind that tics don't have to be complex or bad to meet the criteria.

Tourette's and ADHD often overlap (along with OCD). Stimulant medication for ADHD can make Tourette's worse, which would explain why moderate doses don't help your DS with the verbal stuff.

Does he have any other behaviors that could be mild physical tics (ie shoulder shrugs, lip licking, facial expressions, subtle hand movements, etc.). With Tourette's the uninitiated look for the "big things" like flapping arms, but many Tourette's sufferers never have exaggerated tics such as those... instead they're mild and get overlooked and categorized as small fidgets.

Fyi my daughter (12) was recently diagnosed, and it came out of left field for me. She fits in the ADHD/OCD sub-type. I called the OCD years ago, and ADHD fits too, but Tourette's was not even on my radar until the psychiatrist brought it up... then all the pieces fell together and it made sense.

Anyway... just something to think about.

Also... what kind of side effects does your DS have to the meds when the dose is high enough to calm down the verbal stuff?

Last edited by CCN; 07/27/15 10:14 AM.