Originally Posted by spaghetti
GT parents push their kids and annoy the staff.
Truth: A gifted child, whether determined by early milestones or high IQ, is different than a pushed/hothoused/Tiger-parented child.

Psychology: If one drew a circle to represent gifted kids, it would contain, by definition, about 2% of the population.

Education: If one drew a circle to represent pushed/hothoused/Tiger-parented kids, there may be some slight overlap (intersection) with gifted kids... however gifted programs typically include the union of both sets of children in their "gifted identification" and "gifted programs".

What works best is that since there's so many GT kids, the parents do not tolerate cuts or elimination of GT.
What works best for whom? For the gifted child? For the school and its presentation of its statistics?

But, unfortunately, they also don't tolerate anyone getting anything different from their child.
The classic example: one person chokes... equality is giving everyone the Heimlich maneuver, equity is giving the choking person the Heimlich maneuver.

Nobody can work ahead unless everyone can
What is the logic behind batching children by birth date for their education? All children are not the same.

at least it's (common core is) a grade level or two ahead already so it works pretty well for most kids.
If parents obtained their school and/or district records from lesson alignment, they may find that most lessons did NOT move down a grade level or two (indicating that common core standards are more rigorous than their previous standards) ... rather, many lessons moved up (indicating common core standards are less rigorous than their previous standards).