While this is my first post, I have already found this community to be tremendously helpful so thank you in advance for all of your sharing.

After being strongly encouraged by our pre-k teachers we finally went ahead and tested our son in the hopes that he would be able to take advantage of the gifted enrichment opportunities our school system has to offer. Well, we met with the psychologist earlier this week and I just don't know how to think about/understand what we learned. As an academic psychologist myself I understand the data technically, but I'm feeling lost about what to expect in terms of practical significance. Here are his results:

VIX - 130 (verbal)
NIX - 153 (non-verbal)
CIX - 142 (composite)

I think I expected him to be in the gifted range but to be more than 3 standard deviations above the mean (non-verbal) has thrown me for a loop. Looking for some guidance from parents who've walked the road before me. I understand as well that this may be over predicting given his age, but all I can think about at the moment are the challenges that may lie ahead. I guess I knew I had a really smart kid but to think that I might have a profoundly gifted one feels like a whole different situation.