Originally Posted by indigo
Way to go! smile

LOL, once I asked for information before a meeting, and it was e-mailed approximately 10 minutes prior to the meeting, at which time I was already at school (to ensure I arrived on time despite traffic, train crossings, etc).

Smirky smiles seemed to suggest the timing was strategically planned, and I quickly made a note to ask, on future occasions, for them to send information prior to the meeting date.

Subsequently I learned from others that it was not uncommon for schools to fulfill requests in a bare-minimum way, which causes parents to create carefully worded requests.
FYI, if it's an official IEP or 504 meeting, you have a legal right to have paper copies of all evaluation reports (anything used in formal decision-making) 2 school days before the meeting. Ask for that specifically.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...