Thank you for the quick replies. I will order the book on my kindle.

I actually made an error in my post. She missed the gifted program by one point on the rubric (you need 5pts)to qualify. Her percentage on star was actually 3 points too low, but her fall was high enough.

I think the strangest part for me is their is no credit for class grades. Isn't that odd?

It feels very frustrating because she truly loves to learn and I have had days where she cries hard because she doesn't want to go. I hate to use the phrase she is bored at school when talking to them as I feel it may be insulting to them, but that is exactly how she feels. She often asks why she can't just stay home and read all day because that is all she does at school. Makes me feel bad for her and I don't want to see her give up on her love for learning. The sad thing is she has become very involved in soccer and we can't do enrichment every session. I feel like right now she has to choose between soccer or the enrichment. I feel like being in the self contained gifted program would do much for her emotionally...if that makes sense,