Thank you so much for both of your responses.

Her are the subtest scores:

Verbal Comprehension Subtests:
Similarities: Scaled Score: 15 Percentile Rank: 95 - Superior
Vocabulary: Scaled Score: 16 Percentile Rank: 98 - Superior

Visual Spatial Reasoning Subtests:
Block Design: Scaled Score: 14 Percentile Rank: 91 - High Average
Visual Puzzles: Scaled Score: 13 - Percentile Rank: 84 - High Average

Fluid Reasoning Subtests:
Matrix Reasoning: Scaled Score: 12 - Percentile Rank: 75 - Average
Figure Weights: Scaled Score: 15 - Percentile Rank: 95 - Superior

Working Memory Subtests:
Digit Span: Scaled Score: 9 - Percentile Rank: 37 - Average
Picture Span: Scaled Score 7 - Percentile Rank: 16 - Low Average

Processing Speed Subtest Scores:
Coding: Scaled Score: 5 - Percentile Rank: 5 - Borderline
Symbol Search: Scaled Score 7 - Percentile Rank: Low Average

The reason that we had him tested for ADHD is on the recommendation of his teachers as he showed characteristics of ADHD. The Phycologist suggests that his profile is consistent of ADHD and his given him that diagnosis. One of her suggestions was that he would benefit from receiving enrichment activities at school.

He does have fine motor issues (penmanship is often quite bad). We have been scribing for him on his homework lately and the difference is tremendous. Homework is often done in a 1/4 of the normal time spent.

I hope this answers all of your questions. Thanks so much again.