My 7 year old son was tested for ADHD by a Psychcologist and tested very high on 3 parts of the WISC-V but very low on 2 parts. (Scores below) The two sections that he was very low on were the Working Memory and the Processing Speed. The Psychologist did not score an overall IQ score so I have no idea where he may fall. I have read online that he should maybe write the GAI (General Ability Index) test as it does not include working memory or processing speed? I am troubled by the very low scores but also wonder if he would be considered gifted as they other scores seem very high? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Verbal Comprehension � Percentile Rank 98 (Very Superior)
Visual Spatial � Percentile Rank 88 (High Average)
Fluid Reasoning � Percentile Rank 92 (Superior)
Working Memory � Percentile Rank 18 (Low Average)
Processing Speed � 6 Percentile Rank (Borderline)