Yes, it can be insane, but it can be done. It can even be done by unorganized, housekeeping challenged mothers. (Thats me!)

We have homeschooled from the beginning. At first it was easy. My dd loved to learn (still does) and so we just kept on doing what we had done in the preschool years. As we have added in the younger girls, we have had good years and bad years. I think of last year as a bad year. We were never able to get into a routine, but all of the girls learned a lot. They all did well on the standardized test that I gave them. (Like off the charts good, but I wouldn't want to brag or anything.) wink My oldest is proving to be more independent this year, so that helps. I find that having a routine is very important for us. It really helps to make the day flow.

I have a blog if anyone is interested. (Am I allowed to post a link?)
