Hi Tracey!

I have a 8yo, 5yo, and 1.5yo. I have one more month to decide if I'll be HSing the 8yo. I am an afterschooler though.

How do you manage to HS 3 kids? The other night I had to laugh at the absurdity of it all. The 8yo is answering questions on noble gases. the 5yo is doing a worksheet from Rightstart (addition 68+7 using the 2-fives strategy 60+5+5+3+1 - not your typical rising Ker math) and begging me to give him time to finish it before taking his bath and the 1.5yo is climbing on a chair, walking across the dining room table, grabs her brothers pizza, climbs onto her highchair, and climbs right in and sits down and proceeds to eat his pizza. I thought to myself - I must be insane to consider Hsing 3 kids.
