Sully, great thread.... I too have a DS8 in 2nd grade with fairly similar scores. He is underserved in his current public school's "upper math" class. For enrichment we have him in a local Math Circle at the University and EPGY at home. He is currently at the 5.6 grade level and trending towards 6th in EPGY. My wife and I both work so we squeeze in EPGY when we can. Question to all of you. At what level do you think it would be appropriate to transition him to AOPS Pre Algebra? I believe EPGY said end of 7th in their curriculum? I ordered the book and solution guide yesterday to take a peak:)

I am fascinated and amazed by all of your kids progress. Question, are you all fairly strong in math and able to go through these classes/lessons with your children yourself? We often watch the Kahn Academy video's on new subjects that he must learn. I find myself having to relearn many of the lessons myself:) I often wonder if I am doing my child a disservice(holding him back) by my own shortcomings in teaching and math. I was thinking about hiring a tutor. Would love to hear your thoughts.