So today I asked DS10 school for his full transcript and ITBS testing since 1st grade. I requested it for the IQ test he will do with a psychologist on Wednesday. He has always scored in 98-99% on the ITBS and scored well on both sections of the SCAT so he attends CTY camps. I was looking over the school testing and saw that he took the Cogat last year in 3rd grade!?!? I had absolutely no clue and honestly the stanine score is 7 so he scored well below his norm. I can't help but be annoyed that I had no idea that he was taking this test. What if he wasn't feeling great or didn't sleep well or skipped breakfast? I had no idea he was even taking it so I have no clue about his situation that day. Is it normal to do a pop Cogat test on a kid and not inform the parents? Thanks so much for any feedback.