DD9 has ADHD and we just went the evaluation route. The school behaved in a ridiculous fashion and refused to test her for math, stating that her math achievement scores are very high. And that is true--she does very well on a test similar to MAP but it takes her literally days to do that test to get that score. I tried to get the school to at least test her for fluency and they refused, stating their objective is to not find out what her problem is, it is to determine if she qualifies for special education, which she does not, because she is not a failing student. (none of this is valid--students can have a learning disability and be diagnosed with a learning disability and qualify for school services or accommodations even if they are not failing).
When the school messed up the eval and disqualified her for services I requested an independent educational eval (paid for at school expense, which they have to do unless the school files a complaint against the parent and goes to a hearing) and took her to a major university to a neuropsych/educational psych. He gave her the Woodcock Johnson achievement and there was a huge gap between applied problems and fluency, indicating a problem with retrieving math facts from memory and processing issues (slow processing speed). I had tried to teach DD math facts like multiplication, and for a while she is rather automatic with them, but then "loses" them. She may know 8X4 easily one minute but then you ask her 10 min. later and she scratches her head and it takes 10 sec. for her to figure it out. He said that she should be using some sort of cheat sheet with math facts or a calculator and she should be placed at the correct conceptual level. Also, since she is slow, she should do a reduced number of problems, just enough to show mastery.

She is on medication for ADHD and it seems to help quite a bit in terms of processing speed but doesn't completely correct the problem.

I'm not sure if any of this applies to your DD--it doesn't sound like she's slow the way mine is, but thought I'd throw it out there.