Hi! My oldest DS just turned 9 and we had to fight tooth and nail to get him tested and identified 2 years ago... Youngest DS will be 6 in June and so I decided to start the testing process... He's a completely different child than the other - not near the early signs and quirks that the oldest has, more laid back, more of a people-pleaser, etc...

So I just got back his test scores and I'm thrilled and surprised...
Information 14
Similarities 16
Picture span 9
bug search 16
Block Design 12
Object Assembly 15
Matrix reasoning 15
Picture concepts 12

composite scores FSIQ 127
Verbal comp 123
Visual/spatial 124
Fluid reasoning 121

Math problem solving 114/grade equiv 1.5
Numerical operations 147/grade equiv 2.4

Reading comp 134
Written expression 137

First time around, no questions asked, no arguing with anyone or asking for any mediation - they agree he's gifted and is in need of specially-designed instruction. Woot woot!!!

And this was the child I had tested "just for kicks" not really knowing what to expect... Shows what I know!

Now to figure out what to ask for in his GIEP.... Any advice?