Hey all,
Me again waiting for results of eval. Originally expected it by the 29th, psych just said now it wouldn't be until May 14th. So, I can just suck it up and wait, but there are only 2 weeks of school after that. I want to know if the testing indicates a possible need for some form of acceleration, so that I can go ahead and get that ball rolling--I would like to get that straightened out before the end of the school year if so. I have worked with the principal before with dd14. If the WISC indicates it, they would do achievement testing at the school and then use the Iowa Acceleration Scale to determine if she would be a good candidate for a skip or subject acceleration or something. I would like to get on the calendar at school. I think the psych should be able to give me some sort of indication now--I mean in the past I have gotten immediate numbers so I don't think it is out of line to ask for some info? Thoughts? It is unlikely that anything will be accomplished if I have no information until May 14th. IS this reasonable to ask and if so how do I say it?