DD is quite extroverted and INTENSE. At home...oh dear, the outbursts, yikes! At school, she has improved at playing the game (be patient with others, keep some of your less-pleasant opinions to yourself, etc.), but she still sometimes cannot quite contain herself. On the other hand, she is a very vivacious personality and can be great fun to be around! She has the best giggle in the world!

We have been focusing on the intensity for years...because it makes her stand out and not always in a good way. If she were quiet about it, it would be fine...but she likes to make her opinion heard. LOUDLY, at times. Because she is extremely bright, she often questions things...many, many things.

She would be a disaster with a teacher who wants only kiddos who are quietly compliant. We have been fortunate that our schools have managed to find some wonderful teachers for her, who do not dislike kiddos who can be outspoken.