I just wanted to chime and and say that your experience sounds very similar to what we went through with our DS when he was tested privately at 6.5. The tester did her absolute best but the tasks themselves were enough of an issue on their own for DS. My DS hid under the table, flat out refused to do things, threw toys around the room and was a general PITA. We came out with a WISC GAI of 99%ile which given what I witnessed was a miracle, I thought she was going to laugh me out of the room for thinking he might be gifted.

He's now almost 9 and we recently retested. I don't have the full results yet but apparently his new GAI is >99.9%ile. I'm still in a bit of stunned shock although really I shouldn't be surprised since many of the HG+ stories on here are very familiar and it does match closer to what we see IRL. I have no advice on the school front, our experience has been a rocky one and we're far from a solution.

I just wanted to commiserate and say to go with your gut about his actual LOG. If our experience is any indication, 99% is likely just the tip of the iceberg.