Hi Readermom123,

We've taken apart all sorts of small appliances and even an older leaf blower. Keep an eye out for things offered for free in local newspapers (or on craigslist/freecycle).

BUT - one note. Don't take apart a large screen TV with a tube! At least not without doing some research first.

A friend gave us one for free, and I happened to go on youtube looking for the best was to tackle dismantling it. Turns out, the tube can retain a charge for a long time and is dangerous to open up. There were a number of very clever ways to eliminate the problem "safely". I recall a contraption where the guy slung a rope slung over a tree limb and swung the TV into an angled-upward sledge hammer to break it open and discharge it.) But none were something I wanted to tackle with DS at the time.

And don't miss the opportunity to do "great art" with the bits. We arrange pieces in a pleasing manner, super glue them to a board, and then spray paint them with bronze colored paint. You'd be surprised how pretty it all looks! This website inspired some of our arrangements: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/...f-disassembled-objects-by-todd-mclellan/

Have fun.
