If Parent1 is in Fairfax County (which it sounds like), the best bet is to approach the school's principal and ask to appeal the decision of the local screening committee. This is done through the local school's GT resource teacher:

What are procedures for appealing an ineligibility decision?

Parent/guardians of students not selected for the GT center program may submit an appeal. Only parents or guardians may submit an appeal. Appeal information is contained in the ineligibility letter. Appeals must contain new information not contained in the original screening file. Parents/guardians of an FCPS student may obtain a copy of the screening file from the local school GT resource teacher. The new information along with the GT Center Appeal Form, available at www.fcps.edu/DIS/gt/forms.html, is submitted to the GT Programs coordinator according to the timeline.

How is the appeal decision made?

The new data is added to the original screening file for review by the appeals committee. The GT Programs office notifies the parents/guardians and the local school of the appeals committee decision by the end of July. The decision of the appeals committee is final.

Can ineligible students be screened again?

Yes, students found ineligible for the GT center may be considered for school-based gifted services at the local school. Parents/guardians of ineligible students may also refer their child for GT center screening the following year according to the published timeline.