Thanks everyone for the congratulations. It's so nice to find a place that I can tell someone in excitement something my DD did -- not to brag but to celebrate a milestone and to cheer her on. And everyone here is genuinely happy for her, not thinking something like, "Well, my kid can do this, so what's the big deal," with a jealous over-tone.

I'm so inspired by the complexities of these children and how different they all are. And yes, I guess I am in GT-denial. She's so young still that sometimes we think maybe she's just an average smart person or maybe we're making something out of nothing. Not to mention she's our first-born, so we have no stinkin' clue what's ND and what's GT.

On a lighter note, I took DD to get her haircut the other day, and when we were done, she got off the chair and trotted to the waiting area in the front of the salon. I sauntered over there to see what she was doing, thinking she had gone back to look at the magazines again. Instead, she was standing right in front of the high school girl that's the receptionist. The girl was sweeping the floor and DD took it upon herself to nuzzle right in front of the girl and grab a hold of the broom too, no doubt to help her! DD is always ready to help someone do something whether they need it or not! grin