Great resources! Thanks to everyone. I really need to start a list somewhere. The post-its are cluttering up the computer area! I have a hard time remembering what I like/don't like about different links.

Anyway, I have gotten some really interesting feedback on the whole math thing. I guess I didn't realize how controversial the whole "math reform" thing is. I'm really just looking for a "system" that works for our son to learn what he needs to know. Here's what we've got going so far:

1)I have ordered the Singapore program to try as a basic structure. 2)We have a bunch of workbooks, from 1st to 3rd grade level, (basic skills, math games and problem solving, time/money/fractions type books) to pull from as needed. 3) We still have access to ALEKS with a program in place. 4) I've ordered Ed Zaccaro's book Primary Math Challenges for supplement ideas. 5)DS absolutely LOVES Math Blasters - which is a great way for him to build his computation skills/speed. We have a chart set up where he can put stickers on as he masters each level in each subject area. Oh, and 6) I am armed with the NCTM's list of what a child needs to learn in math.

So, I'm thinking we are covered for homeschooling in math. Heck, we learned about congruency and symmetry while sitting in McDonald's over the weekend. I'm taking advantage of the flexibility!

I'm also planning for the long haul. I doubt that DS will be able to return to our local school for math until HS. Maybe. Time will tell.