The floor puzzle was a big hit but biggest hit of all was the marble thing. I finally had to hide it because I just couldn't play marbles anymore. I'll get it out again in a few days.

I plan to purchase either some magna tiles or magformers. DS has played with Magformers before at the science center and likes those. Is there an advantage to one type over the other? Magformers seem to be a lot cheaper which is always a plus.

Another big hit was a small pouch of Tegu blocks. They stay in the diaper bag and only come out at restaurants but they were an excellent purchase. My son will stay focused on them for a long time.

DS has recently been pointing out letters on everything. I have avoided buying magnetic letters because I felt like that was "hot housing" but when my son started pointing out the letters in GRACO on his high chair it gave me "mom guilt" so I decided the kid needed some letters. smile It seems like all of a sudden he is aware of letters everywhere and words in books. I think I'm crazy but I swear he is starting to sight read some familiar words, like dig. Is that even possible? I feel crazy for even saying that out loud.