OK, just keep taking deep breaths and answering incessant questions. It's good for him and I'll miss it someday smile

I sometimes wonder if I have the patience for this. It can be so frustrating when my son seems so smart and just gets things as the norm and then suddenly something comes along that I just can't seem to get across to him. I try saying it different ways and I know he should be able to get it, but it's not happening. Eventually, and often after a very annoyed tone creeps into my voice, I say it in a way that he gets and then we are good. And I feel bad because my son is only 5 and I'm annoyed he isn't getting something that's not age appropriate at all!

It's so hard to remember he's just little because I don't really treat him like a little kid. Today when I was putting his shoes on he asked me how do we know this isn't all a dream? I'm like, cause we aren't asleep right now, lol. That wasn't really the answer he was looking for, but we were in a hurry and I told him we'd talk about it later. We never did. Last I checked there is no proof this isn't all just a dream?

Yesterday he had me write a story down for him where all of the characters had these odd dreams and then there was this strange section where he had me write:

Hey, we're not done with this page yet!
The weird movie turned the page.

I just wonder what he was thinking when he inserted that into his story. His story is 5 pages, double spaced in a word doc. He read it to everybody he saw today. I thought the story was really weird and somewhat disjointed, but everyone was amazed he wrote it and that it had characters (he had different voices for each of them) and a narrative. I guess the standards are low for 5 year olds, lol.

What it comes down to is I don't think any of this is going to be easy. I'll be happy if I just don't mess up anything major.

*I was just informed by his dad that DS wants to learn more about dimensions and I should work it into the school day tomorrow. Yay? I have no idea how to teach that beyond what his dad already told him about planes and time and such. I expect DS to be up late tonight with thoughts and questions about dimensions. He's calling us back already :P