Hi eyre

What did she mean by 'go back to where she started'? Did she want your DD to re-do level K? Not sure what the point of that would be. I'd ask if she could go to level M and see how she does.

That said, DS7 has pretty much given up on RazKids. He did not enjoy the books at the higher levels - he told me they were boring, and some of the content seemed not really appropriate for K. Mind you, it was partly because he has trouble tracking the denser text with his eyes. I would have to hold a paper under each line to block out the rest of the page, which gets tiring on the computer.

When DS was in SK, his teacher brought him books down from the grade 2 and 3 classrooms. DS also decided that he need to get to level 'Z' as fast as possible. He saw that his friends were moving up a level each week and he thought he should be as well, However this is easier to do if you are going from A to B, than going from K to L. At a certain point we had to slow him down, as he was bringing home books that he struggled with - and then gave up on.

Currently I am just letting him chose whatever paper books he finds interesting.

It sounds like your DD's teacher is willing to work with you, so that's promising. I would just keep communicating with her about how things are going. Good luck with your grade 1 discussions!