My ds 3.9 is smart. Maybe really smart. He's wonderfully imaginative,( but maybe a little too hyper) we have to be careful who we tell about his achievements because people get annoyed, mad, or think we make things up. So last fall we enrolled him in preschool, a 3 to 5 integrated classroom. It's a headstart program, and there's a lot of emphasis on social skills, emotional regulation and school readiness. We love his teacher. He's technically supposed to go again next year, but the teacher says if he's in the class next year he will need individual differentation, the 3 and 4 year olds who aren't pre-k will be doing next year what ds did this year. Also, he's already pretending he doesn't know things because he wants to fit in. And he comes off younger since starting, like whinier and less verbal. At the begining of the year we got a prefect score on the brigance screen and before our winter conference this week they did the 5 year old one to give me a talking point when I approach the school district. He scored in the normal range(77 of 100) for a 5 year old and that was with a fluke day he left out 14 when he easily can count to 30 or higher.
so we are considering trying for kindergarten. He isn't reading yet, but I have a feeling it will be soon. I almost think if he starts this spring,by the fall he won't have much of anything to learn in kindergarten, and it wouldn't be a good trade off for the idea of putting my Young four year old in an all day academic program. So I don't know what to do but I have to start soon unless were gonna wait till 2016 because there's some kind of deadline for early entrance applications. The preschool is suggesting we call the school and ask them to identify him as gifted.
really, I just feel like i'm losing my mind, and most people I try to talk to about it think I'm bragging or or that i'm pushing him, but I was that kid who was bored sick and never learned to study or really apply myself and later it led to disaster. I really don't want that for my kid.
Any advice or other things to consider would be greatly appreciated