What achievement test was she given? DD9 did the Woodcock Johnson a year ago and for certain subtests, a "grad school level" was only around 80th percentile. It didn't really make a lot of sense.

She had a huge spread between her GAI which was 150 and processing speed was 94...the psych wrote "slow processing speed" in the report due to the gap, but she was retested (just on processing speed) 13 months later and it went up 21 points, so my guess is that it's not exactly a reliable score (or else DD's second score was an error, due to an incompetent school psych, which is entirely possible--I hesitated even allowing her to do the test). For IQ testing the pscyh (a private evaluator) did compute the FSIQ but wrote in the report that the GAI is a more accurate indicator of her academic ability/potential.