My DS11 is bored and capable of SO much more! Background.... He goes to public school and there he is accelerated by one year in science & social studies, and accelerated by two years (starting in a week) in math. Not that I buy into all the testing they are doing, but winter benchmarking had him more than meeting proficiency in the two subjects he's accelerated by one year already. I got tired of the slow pace in math so I started him at home on pre-algrebra and he's almost finished with it. According to him, "its easy". When he was 9, he took his first high school class (at home/no credit with the school system) and loved it.

My problem? I'm running out of things he can do to keep his mind busy. This year at home he's completed 2 computer coding classes, beginning typing, is working on intermediate typing, will complete pre-algebra and move to algebra in about 2 weeks.

My district won't let him take any quality high school classes for credit. Could I just by pass that and have him take some college classes? If so how would I go about that? The boredom is starting to translate into laziness and I don't want him to have that as a work ethic.