Is it possible to focus on small schools that have fairly good/small science departments instead of determining which STEM field he wants?

When I was in HS, I was leaning towards physics simply because I enjoyed that the most in HS and then in college, found no interest in doing physics, and "fell" into computer science my sophomore year simply because it was a requirement for another field that I was more interested in - if you had asked my first year roommate if she thought I would end up as a CS major, she would have laughed so far since I hated computers my first year.

And I have so many friends who had similar journeys to their major(s)... to make me think that unless a high school student is so passionate about a field, liberal arts college is not a bad option to explore - and really look at how comfortable he will be at that college. Although I did not really have any idea on possible career and would have never seen myself on the path I am on now, I did know what school environment I wanted and looked for that as my priority.