I am very excited that my 11 yr old daughter scored so well on the WiSC:GAI 153 VCI 155 PRI 131
However, I don't know what to make of the 24 pt difference between her VCI and PRI score. I am a psychologist and have done LD evaluations. Often this difference is indicative of a learning disability....but obviously this is not the case. I am wondering if anyone can shed light on what this may mean if anything. In addition, I was so surprised she scored this way because on her COgat she took in Kindergarten she had a 99 in nonverbal and 93 in Verbal. In addition, on every group achievement test she has taken, she has scored in the 99th percentile in math and science and 92-95 percentile in verbal. The discrepancy was even greater on her Explore test that she took in 4th grade.
So my question is if she is near the top range for the wisc verbal why is she not scoring this on the achievement tests? Is this because she is not being challenged enough? Her reading comprehension score is fact usually the lowest in the 80%. She is a voracious reader, reads at very high levels, and is amazing at creative writing. She is not perfectionistic like many HG kids. I am wondering if that may have something to do with it.
Don't get me wrong, I am very pleased with all of her scores. I just want to make sure that I don't miss something that may need addressing and there is so little out there about these differences near the ceiling of the tests.