I am normally careful about what to discuss with DD but I slipped and I told her that an astroid was passing near Earth soon. She looked completely horrified. Her way of coping was art therapy. She drew a series of pictures about an astroid that is loaded up with love and is going to softly land on a trampoline. There was also a picture of her catching a tiny astroid with a lasso (Applejack!). She knows these are childish fantasies and she knows exactly how destructive astroids are thanks to some videos she watched on the NASA site but drawing these concepts seems to help her cope with her anxiety.

I know what a blessing DD is to our lives and how fortunate we are to have a (mostly) happy and healthy child but sometimes, I feel like I never really got to raise a child I expected to raise.

it_is_2day, my DD had serious sleeping problems so I can sympathize. Those days were really hard and I'm still recovering.