At Christmas, he saw a "Santa" on a roof at someone's light display and turned and asked me, "Can a person buy a Santa Costume?"
When he was 21 months, he sat in his car seat dazing out the window with a sad face and said, "I not a baby anymore, I a big boy."
Today out of completely nowhere he asked me where the first person in the world came from.
He 100% gets that the earth is a speck in the universe. He gets space and loves it.
I have come to realize that I have existential depression at times myself, and I worry about this with him all the time. My earliest memory of these questions was about five, not three.
It's not that I ever want him to be typical. I love who he is. I just go through these moments of grief or something that I can't put into words when I see this beautiful toddler dipping his toes his philosophy 101. I never imagined I would pass on my skeptical gene times ten to my little person. I just don't feel equipped to be his parent sometimes.