Hi Everyone,

I am back here again with some worries and queries.
I have a 5 year old who has not been tested but I strongly feel that he is gifted. Why? Many reasons.
Now, some of his grades are not showing that. I have no idea why. In his school, they are doing basic reading and he is reading at the 2nd-3rd grade level at home, shows excellent comprehension when I ask him questions, makes predictions, recites poems and retells the stories. In Math also, he is doing the work above his grade without much difficulty. I have not asked for any enrichment or acceleration so far as he has been enjoying the social aspect of K.

Now, what questions should I be asking the teacher to get an accurate picture of his performance in school as it does not match with what he is capable of doing at home? One that comes to mind is, how the common core assessments are done? Any other?

Thanks so much