Puffin, I usually would stay silent, too. Not anymore!

I asked The C about a study hall class that I know we have, where the students check in with the proctor/teacher to make and check milestones for assignments and keep up with homework, but The C said it's for and populated by students who are already failing or display serious behavior infractions. (I wonder how many of them are gifted? And maybe if I back off, DS WILL fail and get into it?). He'll get a regular assigned study hall.

I've been in touch with a couple of of DS's teachers since early October. A month ago one of them told me to back off, that DS needed to learn to self-advocate. The other day I had an email from her saying she now understands what I meant and she will work with DS on writing process and approach him, instead of thinking he'll hand her an essay 3 weeks late. I'm going to ask her about the department resource center.

Another has been wanting to help, and has given a lot of concessions on due dates, but I think he needed something concrete to do. So today I asked whether, if DS gets a study hall, can the teacher write him a pass after every lab so DS can do the write up in the science resource center. The teacher said absolutely, AND he would also check in with the resource person to ensure s/he knows what the lab is and how to help! DS would be just fine in AP Chem if all he had to do was data. The writing throws him.

DS recently represented his school in an honor band, had to be nominated by his director. But he "can't" play his assessment étude in front of his director because he doesn't think he's good enough.

Someone posted recently about perfectionism, trying some of the techniques, but I sure wish they worked on the spot. It will take time. Certainly not soon enough for the end of the semester. Which is Tomorrow. On top of finals this week (don't get me started) he is also making up 6 assignments. Oh, and it's his birthday.

Thanks for all the stories shared here, that empower me to work for my dear son.
