ARGGG... As I remember we have very similar kids. This is what I was expecting when I started pushing for for help for my son last spring (his freshman year) and I was pleasantly surprised. The only one I got this type push back was the assistance principal who retired at the end of last year. (When I realized that this fall I was thrilled.) She more gave us the line, well honors classes aren't for all kids. (About a kid who had been in the top honors/gifted classes since 4th grade.)

This year his H.S. after I gave them my psychologist report did admit my son is gifted and has a LD and willing to admit the 2E label. Explaining this to a few of his teachers HAS helped. Although the school is still very rigid about their honors/AP entrance rules. This is why my DS is being bored in non-honors classes this year. (And surprise, surprise still not getting straight A's just like I predicted.)

Good Luck. I hope you can find someone that will help you. Perhaps one of his teachers has a clue and can help you push. This is what helped for us, my son really did try and get help from his English teacher and she was just as frustrated as I.