Originally Posted by master of none
She may be like my kid-- feeling punished that she is beyond the curriculum and wondering why she can't be like her friends and be satisfied with the curriculum.

My DS8 often expresses this sentiment. He is in 4th (over two years since he skipped 1st-2nd in the Fall of the school year). He is quite introverted -needs time alone to recharge. When we made the decision to skip, school felt like a trap to him. Fast forward to 4th grade and we are encountering a similar problem- day in day out, the repetition and review that most kids need to master skills can be mind-numbing to gifted kids. The difference now is that he is more socially aware. When he was 6 and kids asked why did he move grades, he just told them he wanted more challenge. Now that he is older, he doesn't want to be singled out. Along with the sense of punishment there are also issues of "fairness" that concern him.

One thing that helped in our case, we have great health coverage and had no out-of-pocket costs to take our DS to a PsyD. He met weekly for 6 months+ and I think it helped him sort out his feelings about being different.

She sounds like she would be able to make a positives/ negatives chart or decision tree.