Hi Fobstar and welcome, hopefully you'll find a lot of useful info here on this board and the related site.

Just a few things, I'm not sure why you were wanting the gifted label. If DD is not yet at school why are you seeing a definite need to advocate for her to skip a year? I could understand if you were trying to get her into a program, however kids with your daughters iq range are exactly the ones who traditionally excel at school. You may find after she starts that the class is a great fit, or you can advocate based on what her academic ability is.

I'm not equipped to answer your first question, however there is currently another thread devoted to that very subject. As for the other 2, perhaps our resident expert can weigh in.

I'm having horror visions of a 4 year old child being exam prepped to gain a higher IQ - hopefully this is not the case. The tests are designed to test potential rather than ability so no amount of prep will make a huge difference. For eg with the object assembly - my DD scored very high on this. I think we did a couple of puzzles that week (altogether as a family - 60 p ones) prior to that she rarely played with puzzles.

My point is - let your daughter be, she may very well have underperformed if she felt there was too much pressure! I don't think you will get much in the way of tips here on how to improve as most of us a looking at tips on how to cope.