My DS10 hates standing out. His MO has always been to not say anything to the teachers. We always ignore this particular wish of our kid. Since he is a hider, the teachers don't get the brunt of the complaints -- they see a happy kid. We get the complainer/crier who can't take it anymore.

I have always encouraged DS to self-advocate, but he will not, and only now that he's in 6th grade to I expect him to do at least a little. He is making baby steps closer to doing so, however. This year, when he moved to a middle school that did not have accelerated program like the one he was used to, he finally asked us to talk to his teachers about the classes that were too slow/too easy. He got moved up to more difficult classes. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel sometimes!

Good luck! I hope you get a positive response from the school.