
My DS is 3. A new Montessori charter is opening this fall in our town. I went to one of the info meetings and asked them about how they will handle students with special needs and advanced students. They seemed very receptive and even had a special education director on their board.

So now that this school is opening up, my son's previous teacher at her Montessori program will be providing a private Kindergarten for those who want to attend that school. The school starts at grade 1 and is a multiclassroom approach, so grades 1-3 are in once classroom.

Have any of you sent your child to a Montessori Kinder or elementary school? Or are educators and have thoughts on it?

It seems like it could be the best option for him. He's at a 1st grade level all around at this point. In theory, he could be with same age peers but be able to work at his academic level.

I'm so overwhelmed by this option, thankful to have it. He is getting an eval at our local school district. I met another mom who already went through this at our local public school who said they were not receptive to differientation and I think a multi-age classroom is our best option for him in 1st grade so he can take his knowledge where he wants.

As for what happens in 3rd grade when you are at a 5th grade level but with 1-3rd, well that's the big question.

Any thoughts welcome.