Yes--*I* did, back in the day. I remember very clearly giving random answers for several parts of the IQ test I took to get into the gifted program. Somehow I managed to score in the gifted range anyway.

When my son was being tested, I was listening in the next room. Somewhere in the middle of the vocabulary section, the tester told him that if he didn't know, he could just say so. So he said he didn't know for every item after that (and I know he knew some of them). Grrr.

This same son's reading comprehension scores on standardized achievement tests kept going down from the time he was 8 or so. I had a suspicion that he wasn't concentrating on the test. Finally, last year (at age 12) I gave him the ITED at home and told him if he didn't get his reading comprehension score up, we were going to start doing reading comprehension exercises. In addition I told him he had to read the passages and the questions aloud. Lo and behold, his reading comprehension score went from the 67th percentile to the 93rd on a test three years above his age-grade. He later told me that he hadn't been reading the passages before. Grrr again.

Last edited by Kai; 12/08/14 04:23 PM.