Originally Posted by Michaela
(The visits are disciplinary, punitive, and generally Not Good (tm))

I'm so sorry to hear this Michaela.

They rarely happen with the main teacher, but I sometimes get the feeling she is being pressured by others to send him.

Since they rarely happen with the main teacher, there's something that's happening in her classroom that's *working* - can you pinpoint what the differences are? Then take that and try to come up with ideas re what can be done in the other classrooms?

I'm going to pursue a note in the IEP that intervention is required to prevent situations where his stimming reaches a level that makes removal from the classroom necessary, and that, when required, a suitable quiet space with intellectual and social stimulation be provided to help him regain control.

I'd also remind the school in your written communications that when your ds is taken out of the classroom to visit the office, he is missing out on classroom instruction that he should be receiving as his FAPE. He also shouldn't be being disciplined for his disability - he should be receiving *appropriate* accommodations.

Sending lots of good wishes your way -
