My DS went through this at 2.5...his was different however, in that he woke up one day and started severely stuttering out of nowhere...literally, I know the actual day... it was not gradual at all. He was always advanced verbally and talked well at a young age...he had just gotten over a severe stomach illness that lasted a month. Turns out he may have had a vaccine reaction. There were some other regressions at this time, bed wetting suddenly...behavior issues worsening...Not scaring you at all, just putting it out there...fortunately in his case, the stuttering now (age 4) has disappeared. We did go to speech therapy from 2.5-3 and strangely enough by 3 it was gone! He went from what the speech therapist tested as a severe stutter to no stutter at all...definitely odd. His might not be the typical case of course. I do feel that the speech therapy was very helpful. I also tried not to bring attention to it because it was obviously frustrating to him. He still to this day has some trouble getting out the information he wants to say especially when excited, but instead has learned to say "um" and things like that or just pause and think