DD2 has been talking and singing in full sentences since a little before 2 years. However, in the last week, at 2 and a quarter, I noticed an occasional stutter (usually when she starts with "I" like "I-I-I want oranges.") She is talking more but I am wondering if anyone seen their DC do slight stutter with sentences that used to pop out with no issues. It does not seem to bother her at this time and only occasional... And we always wait for her to finish. We are not sure if it is simply that she is now in a hurry to talk about multiple things and get her thoughts out more quickly (she had been talking in full 5-8 word sentences for a while but she was more reserved about talking in general - and now, she seems to talk more even to people she used to clam up with). Her teachers have said she was trying to get her class to sing Frozen songs and other similar antics lately so I am wondering if this is just asynchronous development with her mind trying to get her mouth to keep up with her thoughts. Or if this is a more serious development that will affect her ability to express herself adequately as she grows up.

Right now, since it is occasional and not really bothering or affecting her talking most of the time, I am in a wait and see mode, but wondering if others had this experience. She is definitely much more verbal at this age than DS was and much more focused on talking to DH and I, and now with DS, and we had have some people surprised at what pops out of her mouth at times despite her tendency to clam up around most of the people.