We've only been doing it for 1 1/2 weeks but I love it!

For the first few days I was stuck on doing the worksheets, simple spelling words, etc. A continuation of what he was doing in school. My son absolutely hates writing school things especially what he says is "too easy". I got rid of the "easy" stuff and replaced it all with oral work, games, and computer games. He's much more agreeable to doing work if he thinks it's fun - go figure. He still writes his daily journal, whatever project we're doing (he picks the project), and harder math and spelling.

It's getting easier for me as I get to know how much he/we can handle in a day. It's also freeing my son up to be more creative. This morning he gave me a Valentine's Card that he made up entirely on his own - nobody told him to make a card. It's got 3 pages of writing on it! The walls are plastered with notes and pictures for a family fun day (with a sign up sheet), cats, robbers... He's actually enjoying homeschooling! Today is a snow day for the school district and he doesn't mind that we've still got school. I just kick myself for not doing this earlier.

parents of boys l is 6 and d is 3