Originally Posted by questions
I think ebeth raises a good point - the farther afield of the curriculum your child gets, the bigger the problem without in school accommodation. But no reason to hold a child back arbitrarily.

Agreed. Often, when not in a great school situation with an HG+ kid, I think it really winds up being a case of picking your poison: a bored child not challenged at school *OR* at home,


a child who gets challenged at home and then has trouble with being ahead at school.

IMHO, in the end, the school has to get the child and offer appropriate work, acceleration in some form must occur, or other challenges (music, sports, etc.) must be found to keep the child occupied. Or some combo thereof must be forged. Otherwise you risk losing the child to boredom, underachievement, low self-esteem, and trouble-making.

I think the definition of hot-housing is negative, pushy, over-invested stage-parents who want little overachievers regardless of the cost to the kids. Usually love and affection are withheld if the child doesn't perform up the the standards set by the hard-driving parent.

As you can probably tell, anything child-led and enjoyed by the child do NOT fit into the hot-housing category for me. Such things are just good parenting. I'd say that if you are thinking about putting the brakes on HIS attempts to learn, you are DEFINTELY not hot-housing! Rest easy smile
