Originally Posted by ndw
I thought of a number of questions as I read through your post. The big one was wondering whether any alternatives were discussed at the meeting if acceleration didn't proceed?

It seems as though you have a major problem with your daughter's current teacher regardless. Is there any option there for change, such as another class?

How do you think she would cope at middle school?

Can you concentrate on three sections she is best at and leave the rest or do they need to see a certain level on all tests in addition to 75% on 3 of the 5?

Hello ndw. No, no alternatives were discussed during the meeting. I asked the psychologist about it because she is adamant that DD gets a grade acceleration or content acceleration. She said that we will "cross that bridge when we get there" should DD not do well enough on the ITBS. She is already SSA in math and grade AIG in math and L.A. so I am not sure what could happen next. In earlier posts I mentioned that this school district will not allow a child to be SSA in more than one subject!!
I am so angry at that teacher - I certainly wish DD could move to another class. It's a very small school. The other teacher had DD10 last year, and I liked the teacher, but DD9 is very very different than her big sister. DD10 is the "perfect student" (teachers actually say this which is nice to hear as a parent but hard to deal with for a little sister). I don't want them compared. It would help if she moved to another class because she and big sister would not be in the same math class as they are now. There is a third teacher who is new - an option perhaps?
Middle school? We are looking at smaller ones with the thought that she wouldn't be lost in the crowd. She has the 504 now set up. Since it is so new, I don't know if it will help with her disorganization. I sincerely hope so!! I will say that DD is and always will be tiny. I remember that aeh stated that her daughter is small, and it all worked out. I need to get over that concern!

Finally, the test question - as I said to Blackcat, it just states that she needs the 75% on three out of the five. She has always done well on the in-school testing. I just worry about this because she hasn't had the exposure to sixth grade science, social studies, etc. She does take pre algebra outside of school and does very well so math should be ok. Her highest scores are always in the verbal/reading testing so I hope those are strong.
Ok, I need to let it play out!!! Any other advice or good wishes for high test scores welcome!