A week and a half ago, we had the big time meeting with DD9's school - AIG specialist from the district office, DD's psychologist, principal, etc. Interestingly, the principal and the AIG specialist were pro grade acceleration. DD's teacher (who has in the past suggested she needs a therapist to deal with DD's unhappiness in school/won't meet with us to discuss ways to challenge her) interrupted the meeting to say that she didn't think DD was ready for acceleration. What was really amazing was that the AIG specialist cut DD's teacher off at the knees, and went into a speech about higher level gifted kids and how they learn differently; they need more challenge. I was shocked!
Of course, everything could not be perfect. DD's big sister is one year ahead of her, and the AIG woman stated that the district, following the Iowa Scale of Accel., frowns on acceleration for kids who would move into a sibling's grade. So, she urged us to transfer DD to another grade school that she recommended so the girls would be separated. We have since learned that the school district will not transfer kids to that other school mid year. We might be able to transfer to our base school out of the magnet school the girls now attend, but this base school is just a basic school, nothing special. Also, DD (4th grade) needs to get a 75% on 3 out of 5 subjects of the ITBS 6th grade level. So, she needs to be 2 years ahead to get one year of acceleration. I purchased Bright Education's ITBS online practice tests. DD wouldn't even try the 6th grade level and received a variety of scores on the 5th grade level, having trouble when she faced items she hadn't been exposed to. DD’s big sister is upset at the fact that DD might be in her grade, but had calmed down a bit. She feels “stupid” because DD is doing as well as, and in some cases better than her in math. Testing for DD9 begins on Monday. She will have 3 days of testing, about 2 hours per day.
Our fears? A) DD won’t do well enough on the ITBS for acceleration. B) She will be stuck with a teacher who doesn’t think she can even do 4th grade work (luckily DD is AIG math and LA and SSA math so she doesn’t have this teacher for math). I do not like this teacher!!! Even the psychologist wasn’t pleased with her. C) That DD WILL get accelerated. She is the tiniest thing, and we saw giants on those middle school tours. DD held my hand so tightly on a tour!! It was interesting to read another post where IQ scores were discussed in relation to grade acceleration. DD is in the low 140s (GAI), but can she really move on up? D) She has ADHD inattentive type – will she be able to handle the extra workload? E) We have sibling issues from all this. The girls fight a lot. We have lots of worries.... Why does this have to be so complicated??????