It's been a long time since I've been here..but yes we deal with stuttering.
DS6.5 has a minor to moderate stutter which comes and goes in magnitude depending on.....well we have no idea, perhaps changes in brain development. Right now he is in a period of very very minor to no stuttering. We think we achieved this state, or it could just be a coincidence, by having him watch videos of himself speaking then identifying every time he stuttered. This helped him tremendously as he didn't even know he sounded like that. His brain was hearing his own voice without the stutter. I hope that this is a permanent solution, but we will see. Anyway, we homeschool, so we don't deal with others judging him based on his verbal output when he is having a hard time. But I can understand how it can be frustrating. At any rate, just throwing our experience out with the therapy that, at least for the time being, seemed to work really well, just in case it is helpful to you. Good luck.