We do have an IEP. It took nearly 4 months to get it last year despite a continuous history of speech therapy since DS was 19 months old. I guess I was a bit naïve and thought that once we finally got the IEP in place that it would take care of things.

I sense the school SLP thinks that because she provides speech therapy in her office x2 a week, everything is fine. She claims she works with the teachers but I haven't seen any evidence of it. DS has an AM teacher and a PM teacher. Two months into the school year, I find out the PM teacher didn't even know DS has an IEP.

I've met twice with the teachers and the SLP (have another meeting next week). I can tell the teachers just aren't getting the connection. They *get* that he stutters and has speech disfluencies but they don't *get* the many subtle ways that this can influence his learning, how it can impacts reading and hides what he knows.

geofizz and polarbear: I really appreciate your comments. Your advice to focus on the challenges & accommodations first is especially helpful and make sense - if I can get them to recognize the challenge and its impact. Then, hopefully, they will be able to see through the disorder and recognize his gifts! Thanks so much!